The Client
The Museum of Power is a transformed Water Pumping Station, spanning seven acres and is situated Langford, Essex.
The museum exhibits an impressive array of mechanisms which have powered Britain’s finest autos and locomotives throughout history. It promises an immersive experience, inviting visitors to step back into the history of Britain’s finest Mechanical Engineering, free of charge, and to witness its progress from experimental beginnings to its exceedingly impressive breakthroughs over time. The museum runs educational visits for more than 30 local primary schools a year and hosts various community-based events.
Project Overview
In early 2023, the museum secured a bid with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, to commence its ‘Powering Forward’ project. The bid allocated funds to the museum, allowing them to make improvements to the building structure. This required the museum’s closure for a set period, with extensive building works promising a vastly improved visitor experience.
Both Showcase and Renovo were approached with the request to plan the museum’s interior office space on a voluntary basis. This workspace was comprised of Administration and Management Suites. Attracted by the charitable aspect and the opportunity for both companies to collaborate again, willingly offering their services without cost to the client.
Showcase utilised their Design Team to create a variety of options for the client, with each choice varying in visual aesthetic, but refusing to compromise on the maximisation of space planning. Meetings took place with the client throughout the design phase to clarify finishing details before final sign off. This focused the coordination of furniture delivery to coincide with the completion of the building works.
Sustainability was at the forefront of every decision made throughout the planning stages, using a re-use strategy was implemented to source furniture. Renovo utilised legacy furniture donations, quickly and efficiently, from clients, themselves eager to responsibly get further use from their unwanted furniture.
As like all projects, The Museum of Power was planned and handled with precise due diligence. A comprehensive survey of the site was performed before the Renovo team were ‘all hands on deck’ for delivery and installation. Throughout each stage, organised communications were upheld with the client from all parties.
The project was completed on-time, allowing for the museum to triumphantly re-open to the public in October as planned. The client’s workforce smoothly transitioned into their new and improved offices.
Showcase and Renovo were delighted to receive praise ahead of the museum’s re-opening, including the client’s gratitude of the furniture donations and the efficiency of the project’s implementation.
Both Showcase’s Emma Boreham and Renovo’s Danny Rutter jointly express their gratitude for the opportunity to help a local cause: “Showcase and Renovo are grateful for the privilege to, once again, aid a local beneficiary. It’s wonderful to engage and help people in the local community with our services. We are looking forward to visiting the museum in the near future with our team. As always, we are on the lookout for similar local projects to support moving forward.”