Showcase were appointed by a global law firm to provide furniture consultancy & procurement services for their relocation to a new 250,000 sqft London head office at 100 Bishopsgate.
Showcase was taken on-board to work alongside the IDSR design team and the G&T project management and cost consultancy teams, our scope was to engage with the 5 tiers of staff and Partner groups and to facilitate the furniture selection process for all areas of their office including their prestigious client floors.
Of the 1400 staff over 800 were to be cellular office based with the challenge of each office needing to have an identical kit of parts so that the single and double offices could be entirely interchangeable, significantly reducing churn time and associated costs.
Our scope also included the delivery of a formal 3 stage procurement process and the delivery & installation of all products during the very challenging Covid19 restrictions.
Services provided
Showcase worked alongside the existing project team to provide a full service across the following phases:
- Furniture audit, reuse and disposal strategy
- Monthly staff and Partner engagement meetings
- Task seating trials, pilots and product showcases
- A formal 3 stage procurement process that met their global governance requirements
- Offsite product storage due to last minute Covid19 related programme changes.
- Delivery and installation whilst maintaining social distancing and meeting the site Covid19 rules.
- On occupation training and support.
Success points
Previously fee earners and partners had the freedom to choose their office layout and furniture settings, getting agreement to a standard layout and kit of parts we feel was a big achievement for Showcase and the client professional team.
The project was delivered on time and well within budget despite the numerous programme changes brought about by Covid19. With an extended supply chain of 32 manufacturers and over 400 individual orders to manage through each change Showcase did not miss one PC date.
Value added
Our robust consultancy and procurement process ensured that the project was delivered on time, within budget and snag free.